Flannel Friday

Flannel Friday Placeholder for August 14, 2015. One of my adorable cats, Winston Ziggy-Stardust, will be helping me collect the links this week. (He's so helpful, can't you tell?)

Special thanks to Jane over at Piper Loves the Library for letting me steal her week. :) Thanks so much Jane!!

Due to circumstances beyond my control I'll be leaving Children's Services (right at my 19 year mark) to join Adult/Teen Services and Circulation. I will miss Children's Services SO much. My last story time will be on August 26, so that week will be my last time participating in Flannel Friday until I can get back into Children's Services. I have loved participating in Flannel Fridays and love the support of this group. I will continue to blog, but sadly no more flannels.

Now onto the links!! Post your FF link in the comments and I will compile into a plethora of wonderfulness.,


Kathryn said...

Sorry to hear that you are leaving Children's Services. I'm sure you'll find that Adult/Teen services can be very rewarding too. You might have to make a flannel occasionally just to keep your hand in LOL! Thanks for hosting, here's my post... http://kdr4xmom.blogspot.com/2015/08/little-dinono-biting.html

Allison L. Scanlan said...

I hope that you adjust quickly & comfortably in your new role.
This is my first time contributing to Flannel Friday. Thank you for hosting.
Here's the link to my post: http://rainbowbeams.weebly.com/blog/flannel-friday-colorful-butterflies

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