Books We Shared:
liked saying if each creature was Little Owl's Mommy.
Our second book of the day was Early Bird by Toni Yuli. We
pulled out the scarves for this one and followed Early Bird's activities by moving our scarves. This is a super cute and the kids loved it.
Flannels We Shared:
Today's flannel is based off the Little Mouse flannel we've done in the past. I tried to find the website I stole it from, but I could not. I'm sorry. I was a bad librarian and didn't bookmark/record my resources. (If you know of a site that lists it please post in the comments.)
Little Chick
Little Chick, Little Chick where are you?
Are you in the ________ egg?
(repeat for each color)
Action Rhymes We Shared:
We did two action rhymes today. First up is the favorite Two Little Blackbirds. For this rhyme I handed out blackbird puppets to everyone. Everyone got at least two (sometimes more, lol) paper blackbirds taped onto a craft stick. As we sang the song we acted out the rhyme with the puppets.
Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
One named Jack, and one named Jill.
Fly away Jack,
Fly away Jill.
Come back Jack,
Come back Jill!
Our second rhyme was a spin off of Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear called Little Birds, Little Birds. I found this one on Storytime Katie.
Little Birds
Little birds, little birds, jump up and down
Little birds, little birds, don’t make a sound
Little birds, little birds, peep, peep, peep
Little birds, little birds, sleep, sleep, sleep
Little birds, little birds, fly to the leaves
Little birds, little birds, sit down please.
Early Literacy Tips We Shared:
- Learning different animal names will help a child to build their vocabulary. The larger a child’s vocabulary the more words he will be able to recognize and understand in print and in speech.
- Having your toddler hear rhymes prepares him for later being able to recognize and say when words rhyme. This is critical later when your child learns to read because they need to hear the smaller sounds in words to later be able to sound out words.
- Songs and rhymes like Little Bird and Teddy Bear help toddlers to work on their motor skills by jumping, turning, and sitting.