Toddler Time - Spatial Concepts

Today I decided to try something different. I decided I was going to do a Toddler Time about spatial concepts: up, down, behind, under, etc.
We started off by singing our usual opening song "We Clap and Sing Hello" and even though this is only the second week (last week was yet another snow storm and I canceled) the kids clapped along with the song. Yay!

Back to Toddlers

It's back to Toddler Time for me. I'm in a new position at a new library and running a brand new story time. This story time is for toddlers aged 18 months to 3 years. Though I seem to be getting a lot of VERY young toddlers hovering around a year old. So I've had to do some adapting to my programs. It's been a fun learning experience so far. Not that I've done many! Between the weather up here in Maine (yay snow?) and getting super sick I've only held two actual programs. This is the first program I held, and it definitely needs some work as I go along with the kids I have. It's a learning adventure. :)

Since it has been so ridiculously cold I decided to do a COLD theme for Toddler Time. The themes are more for me then the kids and I don't stay strictly on them, but I find they help me organize my thoughts better. Since I love them, I'm using the same opening and closing songs (Clap and Sing Hello and We Wave Goodbye Like This). They're perfect for Toddlers.


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